a chronology of 3S2A.
Everybody has a secret world inside of them. All of the people of the world, I mean everybody. No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside, inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds. Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands maybe.
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Sunday, May 29, 2011, 8:06 PM
makanan ktorang tyme gi lbrary..nyum2 weh!

haha aq sje je wat tjok tu camtu..
any way,at last,BLOG BLEH BUKAK! oyeahh!
arini aq nk cter..smalam aq ,ckin,minah,emy n kapal gi library..
mule2 aq igtkan it will be a boring day..last2, best gler ! hahaha
mule2 ktorg wat keje kusus sej..minah ckap rehat kol 2 ..Nak monangih emy denga! haha lawok2
kol 12,ktorg gi term n mkan KFC~ best !lpas amek gamba bnyak2,ktorg return 2 library~

then,smbong keje kusus...pastu ktorg prasan cara hp minah vibrate! hahaha emy pandai tiru vibrate tu!jelez2
lpas abes wat keje,aq men XPERIA kapal..best wo! aq ske game dinner dash ngan keta!
wah2!mse aq men gameminah n kapal bdating! haha ckin wat derk jek..
then ktorg blik...mse tunggu kat dpan library,ktorg amek gamba bebanyak~ lalala
ad sekor kucing ni..comel! KIKU namanyaa~ hehe
k r,smpai sni jek..hope dpat kuar lgi~

P/S : 29.5.2011 mrupakan Hari Ckin Menjadi Model ! hahahahaha


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